Theory 6: Oxidation Reduction Reaction

Learning Outcome:
Students are able to distinguish and perform various chemical reactions (S8, S9, S11, KU5)

Sub Achievements of Course Learning:
Students are able to determine and show redox reactions correctly (C3, A3).

Study Material:
1. The Concept of Oxidation and Reduction
2. Oxidizers and Reducers
3. Rules of Oxidation Number
4. Balancing redox reactions
5. Disproporsionation and comproporionation reactions

Learning Methods:
Asynchronous via google classroom on February 24, 2021 for class A ( dan class B ( by Titin Aryani, M.Sc.

Assessment to achieve CP-MK with block exam

Media/Teaching Materials:
The material can be accessed at the link: PPT Theory_6

Screenshot of the lecture: Class A and Class B

Last modified: Wednesday, 21 July 2021, 2:29 PM