Forum diskusi Kelas B (Teori)

Forum Diskusi kelas B digunakan sebagi media komunikasi, diskusi dan juga upload baik bukti perkuliahan, penugasan disetiap materi dll.

Forum ini digunakan untuk 7 bahan kajian di sub CPMK 1 meliputi:

1. pengertian embriologi dan genetika

2. Konsep Dasar/Gametogenesis

3. Ovulasi hingga Implantasi

4. Embriogenesis minggu ke 2-3

5. Embriogenesis minggu ke 3 sampai 8

6. Masa Janin, Selaput Janin dan Plasenta

7. Peredaran darah janin dan bayi,  perkembangan jantung janin

List of discussions. Showing 8 of 8 discussions
Status Discussion Started by Last post Replies Actions
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of Deleted user
Deleted user
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of Deleted user
Deleted user
Picture of evi wahyuntari
evi wahyuntari
Picture of Deleted user
Deleted user