Profil Mata Kuliah
Bahan Ajar dan Rujukan
2. Khasali, Rhenald.2018. Disruption. Jakarta. Rumah Perubahan dan Gramedia
3. Nath, Vikash. Digital GovernanceModels: movingtowardsgoodgovernance in developingcountries. UNDP
4. Holzer, Marc&Taekim-Seang. 2003. DIGITAL GOVERNANCE IN MUNICIPALITIES WORLDWIDE. The E-GovernanceInstitute/National Center forPublicProductivityRutgers, the State Universityof New Jersey, CampusatNewark& Global e-Policy e GovernmentInstituteSungkyunkwanUniversity
5. Garg, Herman. 2016. “Digital Governance”. dalam International JournalofHumanitiesandManagementSciences (IJHMS) Volume 4, Issue 4 (2016) ISSN 2320–4044
6. Wiedman, Stacey. 2016. Building Digital GovernanceProgramm. ISACA GEEK WEEK