Course ini merupakan e-learning kursus Bahasa Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa Universitas Aisyiyah Yogyakarta. Course ini di sediakan sebagai sarana belajar bagi Civitas Akademika dan peserta pelatihan yang terdaftar dalam layanan kursus PPB. Beberapa kelas pelatihan dapat ditemukan dalam course ini. Bagi yang berminat dalam mengikuti kursus bahasa pada layanan pusat pengembangan bahasa dapat menghubungi kontak dibawah ini.

This course is a language and culture learning program for International students who study at UNISA Yogyakarta. The program is provided to prepare the international students to understand the Indonesian culture and to use basic Bahasa Indonesia as daily communication in Yogyakarta environment.

This course is to prepare UNISA students prior to the UNISA-EPT test. The course consists of six meetings in which students will learn three parts of UNISA-EPT Test i.e. Listening Comprehension, Structure and Written Expressions, and Reading Comprehension. The learning covers skills and familiarisation of questions ranged in those three parts of the test. Following is the learning syllabus:

To register and more information, please contact:

Pusat Pengembangan Bahasa UNISA +62 856-4133-8896

This course is an e-learning platform to learn English as a medium of instruction for lecturers prior to and during the instruction in the international classes. Not only as a learning material during the training, but also this platform is also provided as self-learning materials after the trainings.

At the end of this course, the participants are able to:

- Use English to begin class

- Use English to deliver the lesson content

- Use English to end class