Practicum Week V: 18th-21th Meeting


Learning Outcome:
Students are able to explain and classify the physical and chemical properties (S8, S9, S11, PP7)

Sub Achievements of Course Learning:
Students can prove, distinguish, and show the properties of matter, both physical and chemical properties and the type of change correctly (C3, A3, P3).

Study Material:
Properties of Matter and Its Changes:
1. Density
2. Solubility of Matter
3. Heating Elements and Compounds
4. Solution Reaction

Learning Methods:
Lab-Base Learning by Isnin Aulia Ulfah M., M.Sc.

Assessment to achieve CP-MK with practicum report, response test, softskill and hardskill assessment rubric

Screenshot of the lecture: Group A3-A6, Group B3-B6, and Group A1-A2 & B1-B2


Learning Outcome:
Students are able to demonstrate quantitative analysis of compounds by titrimetry method (S8, S9, S11, KK6)

Sub Achievements of Course Learning:
Students can perform burette scaling, standardize NaOH and HCl solutions, calculate normality, determine the concentration of a sample, and understand acid-base reactions (C3, A3, P3).

Study Material:
Acidimetry and Alkalimetry:
1. Standardization of standard solutions
2. How to determine the levels of acetic acid and NaOH

Learning Methods:
Lab-Base Learning by Muhammad Sulaiman, Apt., M.Sc.

Assessment to achieve CP-MK with practicum report, response test, softskill and hardskill assessment rubric

Screenshot of the lecture: Group A3-A6, Group B3-B6, and Group A1-A2 & B1-B2


Learning Outcome:
Students are able to demonstrate quantitative analysis of compounds by uv vis sprektrophotometry method (S8, S9, S11, KK6)

Sub Achievements of Course Learning:
Students are able to determine urea levels in urine samples, learn the working principle of UV-Visible Spectrophotometers, and understand the process of making calibration curves as a method of calculating urea levels in urine samples (C3, A3, P3).

Study Material:
Analysis of urea in urine:
1. How to make standard solution
2. How to determine the maximum wavelength
3. How to make a calibration curve
4. How to determine the level of urea in urine

Learning Methods:
Lab-Base Learning by Latifatul Fazriyah, S.Si.

Assessment to achieve CP-MK with practicum report, response test, softskill and hardskill assessment rubric

Screenshot of the lecture: Group A3-A6, Group B3-B6, and Group A1-A2 & B1-B2


Sub Achievements of Course Learning:
Strengthening theoretical understanding and evaluating the percentage of students' abilities on practical material.

Study Material:
All practicum materials offline

Learning Methods:
Asynchronous via google classroom by all team teaching:

  1. Group A3-A6 on March 9, 2021 at 10.00-12.00 WIB (
  2. Group B3-B6 on March 10, 2021 at 15.30-17.30 WIB (
  3.  Group A1-A2 & B1-B2 on March 12, 2021 at 10.00-12.00 WIB (
Assessment to achieve CP-MK with response test

Screenshot of the lecture: Group A3-A6, Group B3-B6, and Group A1-A2 & B1-B2

Last modified: Wednesday, 21 July 2021, 2:54 PM