Practice: Making Compound & Complex Sentence

Compound and Complex Sentence Practice

Compound and Complex Sentence Practice

by Taufiq Jati Murtaya -
Number of replies: 6

Please make 3 sentences for each type of the sentence (Compound and Complex sentence).

In reply to Taufiq Jati Murtaya

Re: Compound and Complex Sentence Practice

by Ayu Nuraini -

Compound Sentence -->
My parents are working, so I play badminton with my friends
on the weekend, I am cooking some foods and my brother playing astral guardian
I like chicken noodle, but you like satay

Complex Sentence -->
I and my father visited the Borobudur temple before it closed
my sister buys meat in the market  when my big family come to our house
I am washing the clothes, when she calls me

In reply to Taufiq Jati Murtaya

Re: Compound and Complex Sentence Practice

by 1711201010 Ulinnuha Shofiya -

Compound sentence :

1. I want to get a new handphone but I dont't have enough money to buy it

2. I like beef rendang and my friend like geprek chicken

3. My mom was bussy so I cook rice for my family

Complex sentence :

1. She will call you when she finish her assignment

2. Because I have free time during pandemic, I started learning to cook

3. I forgot where I put my handphone charger

In reply to Taufiq Jati Murtaya

Re: Compound and Complex Sentence Practice

by 1711201002 ANNISA DWI MULIANA -
kalimat majemuk:
1. when saya pergi, dia baru menemui saya.
2. saya sedang kecewa, tapi dia terlihat bahagia.
3. saya sudah bangun dari pagi tapi dia baru bangun siang hari

cmpound sentence:

1. When I left, he just met me.

2. I'm disappointed, but he looks happy.

3. I was up from the morning but he just woke up during the day

kalimat komplek:

1. saya segera tidur ketika sudah menyelesaikan tugas kuliah.

2. setelah memasak saya akan mencuci piring 

3. saya akan menyelesaikan perkerjaan rumah terlebih dahulu sebelum pergi bermain

complex sentence:

1. I immediately went to sleep when I finished my assignment.

2. After cooking I will wash the dishes

3. I will finish the house work first before going to play

In reply to Taufiq Jati Murtaya

Re: Compound and Complex Sentence Practice


#Compound sentence

1. I like cheese bread but my brother don't like it 

2. my mother like orchid flowers so I decided to buy this flowers to her as a gift birthday 

3. I'm so tired and sleepy today, yet I have to do my assigment

#complex sentence 

1. My brother looks handsome after he cut her hair 

2. Before you buy something, check the quality first 

3. This cake is very expensive because the chef always use the premium ingredient 

In reply to Taufiq Jati Murtaya

Re: Compound and Complex Sentence Practice


1. Today he is playing on the beach but at playing alone.
2. Lina didn't go to the cinema because the cinema was being repaired.
3. Mom asked us to go shopping and dad allowed us to go with mom.

1. Before leaving the house, you must pray first for safety.
2. Even though it's raining very hard today, we have to go to school.
3. Whenever I feel tired, I will sleep to relieve fatigue.

In reply to Taufiq Jati Murtaya

Re: Compound and Complex Sentence Practice

by 1711201016 AZFAR MUFID ABDULLAH -

#Compound sentence

1. Azfar and Fajri are friends

2. Love me or kill my heart now

3. You are good but lazy

#Complex sentence

1. After you finish cooking for dinner, you can call me

2. Before the sun sets, I will be at home

3. When I feel hurt inside, I will cry